Executive MBA In Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Are you looking for a career In Logistics and Supply Chain Management? Then why not join the executive MBA program in Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Well, I am happy to inform you that this is a growing industry and by the next 4-5 years more than 4,17,000 skilled manpower will be required. Also the number of warehouse managers required in the organized sector is estimated to be around 14,000 which would grow up to be around 35,000 by the year 2015. Logistics accounts for around 13% of India’s GDP, compared to 9% in the US market. With the new ports, airports, freight and infrastructure transformations happening everyday.
The advances in the field of logistics have led to the Globalization of the supply chain. Of course, the long term relationship with the clients can be maintained with well trained and qualified professionals and this could be your added advantage when compared to your competitors. But then performance comes with hard work and commitment. With the current trends in the market and the rate at which globalization is catching up, it is not only necessary that you perform well in your job but also do quite a few formal courses to improve your standards. The Executive MBA program is now being a choice for both the employees and the employers. This would ensure both personal and professional development and development enhance ones performance as well.
The Executive MBA in Global Logistics and Supply Chain Management opens up a wide range of opportunities to the graduates and the working professionals. Since this program is targeted towards the working professionals, this can be termed as a part time program and even students can opt for this for a better future. By completing this, they would be all set to handle the latest trends and demands of the market once they complete their graduation.