Part time executive MBA

Post graduation studies have become necessary for students to secure good jobs and those who already have one usually want to go for an executive MBA program to move up in their career.

parttimeThis executive MBA program is the main attraction for executives or managers who have three to four years of work experience. This is because part time executive MBA program allows them to continue with their job at the same time study. The classes for part time MBA programs are held in evenings on weekdays and for a few hours on weekends. It is because of this flexibility that part time executive MBA offers, that so many executives enroll for the same.

The time duration for a part time MBA is two to three years and this is different from a one year full time executive MBA. In a full time executive MBA candidates are usually asked to take a break and finish their course whereas the advantage of a part time executive MBA is that the candidates can continue their jobs and yet learn.

Investing in a part time executive MBA program is worth because it equips you with all the necessary business skills, communication skills and negotiation and leadership skills. However, juggling between work pressure and executive MBA pressure in itself is a great lesson because it teaches you time management skills. You become equipped to handle work pressure, do assignments and attend classes.

Even while appearing for the entrance and the interview, candidates are usually asked questions about their capabilities and determination to handle both the tasks simultaneously.

Overall, part time MBAs are best for executive who are in a good position in their organization and do not want to leave their jobs at the same time want to add on to their academic qualifications. It helps them to do both even though thy make take two to three years to complete this.


av ik karguptaAugust 17th, 2009 at 8:28 pm

please let me know how can i proceed for executive mba without leaving my job.

ravi_indiaOctober 16th, 2009 at 3:08 am

I have Bachelor in Tourism Studies. I have 4 Years experience in Tourism Sector. Please advice us How can I do Executive MBA in India.

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